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A possible depressurization could solve the mystery of flight MH370

19 March 2014 / 11:03:15  GRReporter
9554 reads

- Is it possible for such a large plane like Boeing 777 to successfully land on some airport, be it civil or military, or on a territory, and to keep it a secret for 11 days?
- Absolutely not. This is absolutely impossible. The landing of a plane on any airport cannot remain undetected by airport authorities and ground services.  Even if it lands outside an airport, someone will notice it. Even if it crashes somewhere, there will be remains. The only place where a plane can be totally "submerged" is if this happens literally under sea or other water surface. The claims that something will remain floating are not quite accurate. If the plane splashed down in a good and perfect manner, it could totally sink and nothing would be left of it. Of course, this raises the question as to why the passengers did not leave the plane with lifebuoys and boats as in the case with the plane that went down in the Hudson River when the passengers left it through the emergency exits, tumbled into inflatable rafts and tried to save themselves. If this plane sank intact, there would be two possibilities. One would be that the passengers could not come out and the other that they were unable to leave the plane. They would be unable to leave it if the plane was depressurized for more than 15-20 minutes and this is another similarity with the case of Helios Airways. The emergency oxygen on board is sufficient for about 12 minutes and then they will be in the "twilight zone". If they were flying for 4-5 hours, even with the extra oxygen bottles, no one would be conscious and able to survive. If the plane successfully splashed down in the water, intact, it would sink without leaving any traces on the surface. If it were not intact, something would come to the surface and would be noticed. But if it were intact, nothing would come to the surface, everything would sink to the bottom and regardless of how hard they search for it from above, they will find nothing.

- Is this your explanation for the mystery of flight MH370?
- Except for the intervention of an alien power, this is the only version that can explain, by means of logic and physics, how such a big plane can disappear in the 21st century. The rest is speculation. Many questions remain unanswered at present. One is why the production companies of the plane and its engines, namely Boeing and Rolls-Royce, are silent. Each modern plane, like that one, is equipped with systems that automatically transmit to the earth data on the functioning of the systems of the plane and its engines and they can be the basis of an analysis as to what happened to the plane while it was flying. Whether it was climbing or going down, what manoeuvres it made. This information is very important but no one speaks about it and even the people who have it, have no desire to declassify it. And the focus should be namely on it.

- What is your explanation? Why is it not insisted on the investigators, whose associates are Boeing and Rolls-Royce, providing this important information? Don’t you think that the technical failure was excluded at a very early stage?

- It was excluded but not totally. If an investigation follows the rules, the technical failure can be excluded only when the plane is found and all elements of its design and all information of the devices storing flight data (black box) are analyzed. Just recently, there had been an airworthiness directive for Boeing 777 as cracks were found at the points of attachment of antennas to the aircraft skin. Boeing, as always, is very careful in order for the cause and the effect of the crash to not focus on the company. As you know, in our case with Helios Airways, important elements that were sent to the laboratory for analysis disappeared. We do not know where they are either and they were crucial to the conclusion of the experts. Turning back to the analogy of Helios Airways we can certainly say that depressurization can partially or completely put a plane out of service. In the case of depressurization the crew has to follow certain procedures that require certain deviations from the route depending on the area of operation. It is normal for the pilot to deviate 45 degrees or 90 degrees from the route. This manoeuvre aims at avoiding crashing with other aircraft along the normal route when the plane has to urgently lower the flying height in the case of depressurization. Assuming that the reason for the deviation of HM370 was depressurization, one cannot explain why the pilots did not give an indication that the aircraft was in an emergency. It should be borne in mind that if the depressurization is due to the construction of the plane, involving cracks in aircraft skin, for example, it may put entire systems out of service, which in turn can explain the lack of communication if the connection between the specific antennas and the transmitter breaks.

Tags: MH370Boeing 777Missing planeMalaysian AirlinesCyprus company Helios AirwaysHellenic Air Accident Investigation and Aviation Safety BoardYanko Stoimenov
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