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Ronaldinho's second home is Greece

20 November 2009 / 09:11:12  GRReporter
10127 reads

Soccer superstar Ronaldinho is visiting Greece more and more. During his last visit he looked at some luxurious properties and it is expected that he will purchase a 10 decare property, where he will build a house “I feel great here,” says the Milan soccer player. He believes Greek is extremely hard but happily speaks about the way of life and the smiling people, who remind him of his home country – Brazil.

Ronaldinho is a regular visitor in some famous bars in Glyfada and he never misses to go and see the live performances of his friend - singer Nikos Vertis. In bars he goes with famous local soccer players – Basinas, Ninis, Kastigio, Samaras. The Brazilian is also a good friend businessman Victoras Restis with whose yacht last summer he went to many Greek islands. The famous Cyprian lawyer Andreas Dimitriou has also been spotted in the superstars company.

During his last visit in Greece Ronaldinho looked at a big property, owned by a famous businessman in Sounio. Romours have it that except for this property the Brazilian is looking to buy a property on Mykonos.

The ones who already know him say that despite all of his money, Ronaldinho is an everyday man and is not arrogant. He dresses with sports clothes and communicated freely with everyone. Singer Andreas Stamos says: “He has fun from the bottom of his soul and it seems that fame did not change him.” Of course, the luxury to hire an airplane and go to Greece for a weekend costs €45 000 but this is a small amount for the Brazilian, whose salary is €1 million per year.

During his next visit to Greece Ronaldinho is planning to visit Thessaloniki. 

Tags: Ronaldinho soccer football Brazil
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