The inhabitants of Ikaria Island have found a way to break the close link between depression and cardiovascular diseases. As an antidote, they apply the regular consumption of fish, which seems to decrease depression, and subsequently limits the risk of cardiovascular events. Fatty acids Omega-3 contained in fish are proven to control depression.
All this becomes clear from the analysis of research conducted among residents of Ikaria. On the Greek island and the island of Sardinia, in Loma Linda, Mexico, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, and the island of Okinawa, Japan, ten times more longevity with people aged over 90 years is recorded compared to the average rate in the world. This issue was discussed at a conference entitled "Pursuing longevity: from prevention to therapy", held last weekend on the island of Ikaria.
According to Cardiology Professors Christodoulos Stefanadis and Christ Pitsavos, laboratory studies have shown that older people from the Island of Ikaria have similar chemistry with people from other areas. What distinguishes them, however, is the model of nutrition they have chosen and which is clearly a key factor in protecting their cardiovascular system.
84% of the inhabitants of Ikaria say they eat more than 150 grams of fish a week. Frequent consumption of fish is associated with maintenance of blood vessels in a good condition. In addition to blood vessels, eating 100 grams of fish per day increases by 121% the preservation of a good renal function. Scientists have found that people who apply the Mediterranean diet (fish, fruit, vegetables, legumes, tea) have less risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.
The same diet has a positive effect in adults with diabetes because it improves the blood glucose control and the state of blood vessels, which is very important for diabetics who have a significant hardening of the arteries.
In men, the Mediterranean diet reduces the uric acid levels, triggering gout. A minor increase in the consumption of Mediterranean foods can reduce up to 57% the likelihood of high levels of uric acid.
Sex life
The influence of the Mediterranean diet is beneficial to the sexual performance as well. The daily consumption of olive oil in adults also plays a positive role in sexual life, with better rates of satisfaction.
The quality of sex life has been measured by a special survey of men aged 65 to 99 years of Ikaria Island.
60% of the respondents to the special poll point to at least an average satisfaction during intercourse, while 50% indicate a completion of intercourse. Only 20% of respondents reply that they have no sexual activity.
Fats with favourable properties
The effect of depression on heart health and blood vessels is crucial. According to the special geriatric depression scale (0 to 15), a raising of even one point leads to a 12% greater probability of occurrence of additional cardiovascular risk factor associated with the occurrence of the metabolic syndrome. The negative impact of depression on the health of the heart and blood vessels is caused by its effects on risk factors such as increased blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.
Research shows that the Mediterranean diet improves metabolic characteristics and fish consumption (three to five servings a week) restricts depression.
The beneficial effects of fish is attributed to the fatty acids Omega-3 which it contains.