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Shakespeare, Miro and Black Eyed Peas

19 November 2010 / 18:11:59  GRReporter
8658 reads

Hello, music lovers,

Here comes Friday and the time when we will dive together in the fifteen songs that GRR HOT 15 will offer us. And this week they are quite different, pretty cool and mostly - unpredictable.

Tri O Five’s beautiful soul track Nowhere to Go First for the third time takes the first position. Delicate as milk and honey, the song obviously touched you so much and once again you voted for it and awarded it the gold medal of our chart. The number two is for Grafa. His song Invisible climbed up quite systematically, persistently and consistently our chart and here it is already on the second step. So, the Bulgarian pop song left behind the fascinating track of Mihalis Hatzigiannis who expects us at number three.

The fourth position is occupied by Nicko and his Last Summer. The Greek House song is only one step before the beautiful Tamta and her fiery song Fotia. You decided to place at number six one of the most powerful and hot summer hits. Yolanda Be Cool Vrs DCup still holds good positions and although slightly going away they are still singing We No Speak Americano. The lucky seventh position this week is for the crazy and so fresh Pink, which strongly invites us with her song Raise Your Glass.

Eighth is the position of Melisses and their new single Epikindina Filia. The Greek group also attempts to get to the top and makes its next jump straight in that direction. Talking about jumping, we came to our champion this week, namely Katy Perry. The brunette debuted last time with her song Firework and has already jumped the threshold of the top ten. So, the Californian is close to the charming Sakis Rouvas, who greets us on the tenth place with his Parafora.

Eminem awaits us at number eleven. His hit Love the Way You Lie goes down quite rapidly in GRR HOT 15, giving way to newer tracks. Such a new song we hear from the twelfth step in the face of Rihanna and her dappled pop song Only Girl (In The World). The chocolate beauty is just before the fatal number thirteen which this week is taken by Wonderful Life of Hurts. The fresh song also loses your interest and here it is taking lower positions.

And here we go to the first new proposal for this week. Miro, as usual original and challenging, once again enchants us with a song and vision. His song Power is after Shakespeare’s lyrics. Yes, that’s right - Sonnet of William Shakespeare. But what makes the song even more different and surprising is the video to it. Too socialist. Too unusual. Too military.

The next new song comes from the eternally fresh and cheerful Black Eyed Peas. Time Of My Life is crazy, genuine, rhythmic and they four once again are provoking us to dance and sing along with them.

Well, while singing and dancing, it is time to say goodbye but only until next Friday when we will listen to our favorite GRR HOT 15 again.

See you next Friday!

Tags: GRRHot 15MusicNine musesMiro Black eyed Peas Tri O five
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