Ascendant in Leo
The second house falls in Virgo and is ruled by Mercury. The dynamics of your income is closely associated with your sense of order, cleanliness and organization. If you often feel that some chaos and confusion reigns around you, if you find yourself in places that do not seem clean and tidy, finding objects that are not in their place or if you find it difficult to organize yourself then this means that financial problems and a reduction in income are in store for you. Virgo is also associated with health, so each occurrence of a health problem has an adverse effect and means that financial troubles are coming, even if someone else is supporting you financially.
Ascendant in Virgo
The second house falls in Libra and is governed by Venus. The dynamics of your income is closely connected with your relationships and partnerships and how they develop, and with your sense of harmony and balance and beauty in life. If everything around you often seems ugly and inharmonious, not pleasing the eyes or if you think that your relationship with your partner is far from perfect and you have no desire to stay together, feel inhibited and under pressure, this means that financial troubles and problems with your income are in store for you. The same applies in the event that you have conflicts with different people more often than usual. This is a sign of the emergence of money problems.
Ascendant in Libra
The second house falls in Scorpio and is ruled by Mars. The dynamics of your income is closely linked to other people’s money and energy to which you have access, but mostly to that of your intimate partner. If for some reason your partner reduces the resources that he or she provides you with, the time and energy that he or she devotes to you, then there will be problems with your personal income, as well as some financial troubles. The same is true if your sex life becomes ‘lifeless’ and unsatisfactory or if you are in a kind of transition from one partner to another without being able to build a stable sexual relationship. This is a sign that sets the occurrence of financial troubles.
Ascendant in Scorpio
The second house falls in Sagittarius and is ruled by Jupiter. The dynamics of your income is closely linked to your ability to travel and to meet with foreigners, to receive training either academically or in other ways, to feel the meaning of everything that you do. If pessimism takes possession of you and you somehow lose the light that gives you a sense of meaning and direction, if you cannot travel wherever you want (even if you have the means), or if you have problems with studies and education, this indicates the emergence of financial troubles and problems in cash receipts. The same applies if your contacts with foreigners and people from afar stop or become difficult - this is a sign of problems occurring with money.
Ascendant in Sagittarius
The second house falls in Capricorn and is ruled by Saturn. The dynamics of your income is closely related to your professional realization, the opportunities to develop, to achieve a better social status, take leading posts, to feel that you enjoy prestige and respect among the people around you. If you more often and permanently have the feeling that you cannot achieve what you want at work, that your chances of a career are disappearing, that you are losing your prestige, being no longer respected as a person and as a professional, this is a sign that financial troubles and problems with income are in store. The same applies if you start to feel irritation towards your boss and complain about him or her. This is a sign that money problems are in store.
Ascendant in Capricorn
The second house falls in Aquarius and is ruled by Saturn. The dynamics of your income is closely connected with your friends and the people, who are part of your social circle, have common interests with you, and with whom you share common ideas and causes, count on their support and kindness. If you feel that you are beginning to become alienated from your friends, not wanting to spend much time with them, if you feel that you cannot count on them or if problems occur in communication with them, this means that financial troubles and problems with income are in store. The same applies if for some reason you change your views about your future, see it differently or somewhat bleak. This is a sign that there will be financial troubles.