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Singer Keti Garbi concealed an income of 1 million euro

04 July 2014 / 12:07:47  GRReporter
3962 reads

The popular star is accused of concealing an income of 1 million euro and it is expected that she will be called upon to pay a fine.

The unit combating economic crimes has established in Attica and Piraeus tax evasion totalling 78.67 million euro in June alone. reports exclusively that singer Keti Garbi is one of those who have walked into the trap set by the unit.

The most striking case of tax evasion, however, is that of a pensioner in Glyfada, who concealed 23.41 million euro from the tax authorities.

As for the popular singer, sources indicate that she seems to have concealed an income of 1 million euro over the past 10 years, which means that she will have to pay fines and taxes amounting to 600,000 euro.

In addition to Keti Garbi, the unit combating economic crimes has established tax evasion on the part of lawyers, doctors, one medium, one riding school and more.

The findings have been sent to the relevant tax authorities to calculate the tax due and to impose the relevant administrative sanctions. In the cases when they have grounds, they compile a report and submit it to the prosecutor for economic crimes to make a criminal assessment.

Tags: Keti Garbievaded taxesunit combating economic crimes
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