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Size does matter after all

11 December 2010 / 16:12:44  GRReporter
2789 reads

After New Year's Eve the tax on cigarettes in Greece will be calculated according to their length. This is stipulated in a bill that is expected to be voted on Tuesday by Greek members of Parliament. In article 99 of the legal text is described with precision the method of imposition of taxes on tobacco products, but also what exactly should the tax officials understand when the word comes about ... a cigarette, cigar, rolled cigarette and small cigar.
    Here are the specific formulations:
    Cigarettes - tobacco cylinders which can be smoked in the form they are. Or tobacco cylinders, which in a simple manual way are slipped into cigarette tubes. Or tobacco cylinders, which in a simple manual way, are wrapped in cigarette paper.
    For cigars and small cigars are considered:
    a) tobacco cylinders with an outer wrapping of natural tobacco
    b) tobacco cylinders with chopped mixture of tobacco and with an outer wrapping of reconstituted tobacco, with the usual for the cigars color.
    Rolled cigarettes - chopped, sliced or pressed between slabs tobacco which can be used for smoking. 25% of the weight of its particles has a width of cut equal to or greater than 1.5 mm, when this tobacco is sold or is for sale for rolling of cigarettes.
    In article 99 of the bill is also described the rate of taxation of cigarettes, according to their length. In particular, for the calculation of excise duty on tobacco, according to the length, without including the filter and mouthpiece of a cigarette is considered the product with a length of 8 centimeters. Up to two cigarettes when their length is 8-11 cm, up to three cigarettes - when the length is 11-14 cm, etc.
    The increase in cigarette prices, which will take effect from 1 January will cause a new increase in prices of boxes with about 0.20 to 0.30 euro as well as higher profits for owners of kiosks, which sell the products. The bill also provides for an increase in fixed fee of 10-15% and along with this a minimum decrease in the excise duty of 67% to 65% in favor of kiosk owners.
    This will be the fourth tax increase on cigarettes in the past year.

Tags: cigarettes cigars small cigars rolled cigarettes size taxes excise duties news
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