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The sound of the colors

15 August 2010 / 10:08:54  GRReporter
4843 reads

Anastasia Balezdrova
    The Music Chamber in Athens is one of the best known modern buildings in the city. On its facade usually are hang large banners with information on concerts and performances, which at this time of year are discontinued and the building looks gray, daily and dull.
    But not this summer. Athenians and visitors of the Greek capital who are passing by the Music Chamber are actually facing a peculiar outdoor exhibition in which eight young artists, inspired by the music world, present their works. Alexandra Nasiula, Marilia Stangouraki, Andreas Kasapis, Kostas Christopoulos, Nikos Arvanitis, Nikos Sepetzoglou, Vangelis Hursoglou - Woozy and Dimitris Andreadis, alumni of the artist Yiannis Psihopedis and under his supervision they present eight different images of freedom.
    "Eight young artists - eight artistic scores" – this is how the director of the Palace of Music Ioannis Manos describes the unique opened exhibition, considering that "in this way the dialogue between the Music Chamber and Athens, its residents and visitors, a dialogue that is repeated each year, grows to include more interlocutors".
    The authors have created their works together in the atmosphere of productive competition and team spirit in the underground rooms of the building, in a short period of time.
    Here's how Vangelis Hursoglou - Woozy describes his work: "My work is dedicated to the African music, so its essential part is occupied by the shape of the continent, and on the top I have painted the face of an African deity. Joint work on the project was a very nice experience".
Young artists recognize that the challenge of painting on canvas of such large size is great.  "Ingenuity and resourcefulness are required," shares Alexandra Nasiula whose work is based on the figure 8, which, however, is only implied.
    The banner of Andreas Kasapis presents a figure without arms, with atrophic legs and with blurred facial features, which is wearing shoes with "Walt Disney", it has a vamp wig on the head and seems to on alert for something. "I tried to create a counterpoint to the fragile building of the Chamber, as I set on it a more delicate picture. The main obstacle was the large size of the picture that I wanted to make it look smaller and create the impression of a graph on sheet of paper," says the author.
    Creating a sound-color composition was the objective of Dimitris Andreadis, who makes a parallel between the way of sound and the color palette. The abstract idea is based on minimum intervention of the artist, who through three black diamonds in the vertical center of the work provides three exits for escape. And although at first glance it looks like a designer's work it is actually "a risky attempt to decode an audio - color code and in the size, which everybody would see".
    The work of Nikos Sepetzoglou is black and white, and the only place filled with colours is in the middle. It is a symbol of the maritime code of communication, and it means: the letter - Z, pronunciation - zulu. When it stands alone, it means "I require a tug", ie "I need a tractor".
    The artists believe that the idea for the exhibition is an act of extravagance of the Palace of Music, which raises the question about the use of public space for exhibiting art works.
    The exhibition will continue until the mid September.

Tags: Music Chamber in Athens exhibition canvases art Anastasia Balezdrova
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