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Swine flu pandemic approaching Greece

13 November 2009 / 13:11:21  GRReporter
4134 reads

Swine flu cases increased with 11% for one week in Greece. According to representatives of the Center for control and prevention of diseases, Greece has entered a period with increased activity of the flu. Established swine flu cases increased to 332 during the last week and the total number right now is 3 189, out of which 1 535 are in Attica region and most of them are between 15 and 29 years old.

Experts note that the above mentioned numbers show a real frequency of the new flu in Greece but are representative only of the lab proven cases. The infected frequency is much bigger because most of the infected people (about 200-300 000) do not seek medical help, because the symptoms are either mild or do not show at all.

Meanwhile the number of dismissed classes is increasing due to the new virus. Yesterday 51 classes in 24 schools, one specialized school and six kindergartens around the country were dismissed. We must note that last Monday dismissed were 144 classes in 71 schools, eight kindergartens, three primary schools and three child care centers. Also the number of infected soccer players is also increasing. Initially eight players from Kalamata team showed swine flu symptoms on Tuesday and already there are infected players also in Egaleo and Olimpiakos-Vollos.

On Monday the first vaccinations will start and priority will have people with chronic diseases and the ones who have babies under six months old, because those babies cannot be vaccinated. Children between 6 and 23 months old also have priority. Children in school will be able to get vaccinated after November 25.

Based on evaluation by the National Commission for the new flu, Greece is entering tha mandemic phase, which will continue between six and eight weeks. Due to this the Ministry of Education said that those children left at home due to the virus, will not miss any school materials. Special educational programs will air on TV three hours per day. 

Tags: Swine flu H1N1 virus vaccinations
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