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Theater of the planets in the next 4 months

06 November 2010 / 22:11:25  GRReporter
5123 reads

To get a clearer idea of how it would affect, I will mention a very general guide, depending on the planet that is affected. I.e. the planet, which stands in those sectors. If this is:
Sun - change in behavior in social and community plan can be very drastic.
Moon - the change is related to the sensual and emotional world of man. The body is also affected. For women, good news - take care of your body, by adjusting your diet regime. And you may be surprised by the results.
Mercury - a change in communication, in the means of communication
Venus - a change in relationships, love relationships are affected
Mars - a change in the energy of man. One may feel either tired or full of energy, to become more aggressive or mild. An urge for self-confirmation or withdrawal.
Jupiter - change in terms of opportunities, especially in terms of finances, an expansion in different directions
Saturn - change in the restrictions which one had, a change in the focus and objectives
Lunar nodes – a change the topics related to where we are going and where we came from

Particularly important are the changes if you have planets in the following positions:

0 ° Twins to 4.5 ° Twins – The subject of "awakening" will be affected. As if these people will suddenly say to themselves, "God, where was I looking?"
From 12 ° to 17.5 ° Libra - the issue of survival will be affected. Not only in the existential sense, but this also falls under the category. Here there will be a desire for an improvement in the environment (and contacts) in the name of raising personal standard of living. A very simple example is the undertaking of a home renovation which has been considered for a long time.
From 0 ° to 4.5 ° Sagittarius - the hard and unwavering confidence in following their own beliefs will be affected; collision in these topics
From 9 ° to 14.5 ° Sagittarius - unlike all the others, if you have a planet in this section, the topics affected will be related to attracting something or someone to you for your own good. You will go out of your usual rhythm, and maybe you will disturb someone else’s rhythm. But this is exactly what will attract something good to you.

To find out whether for you – whoever you are – there will be a change in the décor of your personal stage, consult an astrologer or check your horoscope yourself. This change is not only valid for four months, as I mentioned above. It takes place within these four months and leaves a lasting trace in the next 10 years.

Tags: astroschol Galy theater of the planets horoscope star signs
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