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A third rescue package for Greece will not be sufficient as considered by GRReporter’s readers

30 September 2013 / 13:09:59  GRReporter
2471 reads

A third rescue package will not be sufficient for Greece and it will need a fourth one, as stated by the readers of GRReporter, despite the positive response from Brussels and the encouraging statements of the Greek Prime Minister and his ministers that a primary budget surplus will be achieved in 2013. This is the opinion of 57% of readers of the Bulgarian, 51% of the Greek and 55% of the English language versions of our website.

At the same time, 31% of readers of the Greek version of GRReporter are of the opposite opinion and have full faith in Antonis Samaras’ government and its actions followed by 19% of the English-speaking readers and 15% of the visitors to the Bulgarian version of the website.

"Yes, a new financial aid will be needed, but it will be much smaller and it will be the last one" is the third option preferred by 17% of readers of the English version of the website, 14% of readers of the Bulgarian version and 9% of the Greek readers.

For a long time before the elections in Germany they were considered as a key prerequisite for the course of the developments in Greece. The triumph of the party of Christian Democrats and former Chancellor Angela Merkel a week ago has dispelled all doubts and illusions that Germany may change its policy of budget cuts. The readers of GRReporter probably expected this outcome, since this response obtained the fewest votes in the Greek and English versions of the website, namely 9%. According to the Bulgarian audience, the elections in the leading European power, the crisis in Syria and the domestic political situation in Greece are the crucial factors for the Greek crisis and 14% support this option.

Meanwhile, the situation in Greece is constantly changing. The supervisory Troika arrived in the country and left it, and the response from its visit is not as negative for the country as before. Poll results show that the investigation against Golden Dawn which has led to the arrest of leading figures in the party is changing the political ratios in the country in favour of the main ruling party, New Democracy.

For its part, the main opposition party, SYRIZA, is trying its best to diminish the government's actions against the extremists and wants elections. In view of these developments we await your answers in our new poll: What is Antonis Samaras’s greatest achievement?


Tags: SocietyPollRescue packageGreeceAntonis Samaras
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