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Thousands of fans waiting in line for U2 360 Tour tickets

04 November 2009 / 11:11:06  GRReporter
2894 reads

The Greek public showed great interest in U2’s concert in Athens from the first day of the ticket sale. For 24 hours the cheapest seating tickets were sold for €36.50, independently of the rule that one person can buy up to eight tickets. The press center of Didi Music announced that from Tuesday this limitation will be cancelled.

From early in the morning thousands of fans gathered in front of the box offices of the Olympic Stadium, where the concert will take place on September 3, 2010, in order to buy a ticket for the long awaited event U2 360 Tour. Ticket sale at the stadium box offices will continue until November 7 this year and after that tickets will be available only from the offices of the organizers.

More than 32 thousand tickets are sold for the so called RED ZONE, which is right next to the stage. The owners of those tickets will use the VIP entrance and will not have to wait in line to enter and exit the stadium. Part of the RED ZONE ticket sale goes directly to the World Fund against AIDS in Africa. This way the fans can not only enjoy the legendary Bono and company but also contribute to the fight against the incurable disease.  

Until now the gathered funds from the RED ZONE program from all U2 concerts have helped 4 million people infected with the virus. Tickets for the red zone in Athens are available online at and at If you are interested to learn more about the “red” initiative you can go to

Tags: U2 360 Tour U2 concert in Athens Music
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