At a meeting with the shipyard union Tiena the chairman of board of directors of ThyssenKrupp announced that the German company will withdraw from the shipyard in Skaramanga. The investor has promised to pay all pending salaries until October including. The salaries after October 31 until the end of the year must be paid by the new government, because it has debts to the private company.
This debt includes the modernization of three old submarines and the construction of four new ones. The first Papanikoulis submarine is already done in the shipyard in Kielo and is expecting its buyer – the Greek military fleet, which is refusing to accept it due to technical reasons. The total amount of this order is about €3 million, out of which the state has paid off €2 million but it hasn’t accepted any submarines. According to Vima newspaper the German company ThyssenKrupp has officially announced it is looking for a buyer for the shipyard but their real goal is to “pressure” the government to accept the four submarines and to finalize the deal, independently of the problems caused to the state.
It is expected that today will take place the first meeting of shipyard Tiena chairman with the new defense minister Evangelos Venizelos. In case after ThyssenKrupp withdraws and no buyer is found, the shipyard will have to close and 1300 employees will be left on the streets and another 2000 contractors, subcontractors and suppliers will lose their businesses.