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Two eclipses determine the dynamic nature of October

01 October 2014 / 14:10:43  GRReporter
5987 reads

In October, the general atmosphere is going to be very active and dynamic, but with a little more tension, you faced with domestic problems. The month brings important events in terms of financial and material conditions, personal resources, benefits, investment plans in this regard. You put most energy into something new that can bring better revenue and enhance your material condition. As you can see from the above, the financial sphere emerges to be in focus, but it is associated with something more optimistic, as it is in a very good condition for development. Your love life presents a significant event to remember. It may surprise you, and it might be difficult for you to accept at first.

2 December – 14 December

In October, the general atmosphere seems to be very favourable and somewhat supportive for you; it serves you "good food", particularly in relation to home, family, children. The month brings important events that affect you very personally - appearance, body, image, personal effectiveness and productivity, individual expression. You put a lot of energy into yourself and everything you do for yourself. Be careful not to cause any injuries in the rush to improve your appearance. The financial field is very productive. Everything you do to improve it brings success. Your love life brings good luck to you, do not miss it.

15 December – 28 December

In October, the general atmosphere is going to be more tiring and exhausting; you become more activated in a way and deal with more things than usual. Communication and interaction are increased, you may travel more in relation to some initiatives. The month brings important events in respect of your social circle, friends, contacts, and also relations for desired goals and objectives. You put a lot of energy into switching to a new social and public environment, strengthening new connections. The financial sphere is in very favourable terms; the "flow" towards you may surprisingly increase. Your love life is in a trial period, it brings some hostility against or in connection with your partner.

Tags: Horoscope for October astrological forecast Galy solar eclipse lunar eclipse new moon Astro school individual horoscope zodiac signs
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