Photos: Human rights watch, New York Times, CNN and Andrey Vladov's personal archive
The global financial crisis has hit Britain although it is outside the Eurozone. The data of the British Institute of Statistics show that in 2013, the country was not yet able to recover and its productivity was three percentage points lower than in 2008. Unemployment has begun to fall, but 7.2% of the economically active population is still unemployed and the property market began to slightly recover only in the last year. The fear that "foreigners will come to take our jobs," explains not only the good positions of UKIP. It was at the heart of the anti-Bulgarian and anti-Romanian campaign in the yellow media a few months ago, which rose the alarm that the island would be overrun by immigrants. In Britain, however, extremist parties like Golden Dawn are not part of the political mainstream and there is a strong public intolerance to them. The far-right British National Party was able to win only two seats in the municipal elections in England last year.