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A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2013 with the team of GRReporter!

01 January 2013 / 17:01:58  GRReporter
7584 reads

    2012, which it was believed would bring the end of the world, has passed. There was too much talk about this end but now it is clear to all that it is only the end to all those speculations that sprang up in the media. A year ago, I wrote about my expectations for 2012. I will make a brief overview of them and then, I will present my views on what "the stars tell" for 2013.
    In 2012, we witnessed a very rare astronomical phenomenon which has a frequency of once every 120 years. It was the eclipse of the Sun by Venus. Each eclipse of the Sun is a particularly significant factor in astrology. It means "a crisis, a turning point." In 2012, it was associated with a change in the way human relationships and values work, how people arrange the world around them.
    2012 was supposed to pass under the sign of material struggles for resources and survival. I expected it to be a year of severe austerity and life on the edge for many people. As for the financial sector, there were no signs of dramatic turmoil and further intensification in addition to the effects typical for such crises. I expected changes in the euro zone like contraction and limiting of the number of the member states.
    After the solar eclipse at the end of May 2012, I expected that unemployment, cuts in production and enterprises and the bankruptcy of companies would be beyond the expected range. The whole summer season was expected to be filled with all sorts of initiatives of all types and from all parts of the world. It was as if everyone was going to do something without actually knowing why he or she was doing it and what the expected result would be.
    I assumed that we would witness dynamics without guiding lines; the willingness of people to act, to carry out their plans sometimes by directly applying force. Such indicators often imply the unleashing of serious and deep conflicts with military intervention.
    With the exception of the turbulent situation in Syria, 2012 was not as "revolutionary" as 2011. Rather, it was the year of impact. According to political commentators, the most important events of 2012 were:
- The actions of the Governor of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, who helped "exhaust" the crisis;
- The war in Syria and the new government in Egypt
- The election of the leaders of four of the five largest economies in the world - the United States, France, Japan and China.
    As far as the new leaders in the world are concerned, I noted that the solar eclipse in November would focus on the leading personalities in the world. The people, coming to the fore in the months following November 2012, whether familiar or not, would leave behind themselves marks important to the world.
    What will 2013 be like?
    During the year, the world will go through three main "scenarios" that will actively come to the fore in the world and everyone will notice them around themselves. I expected the last months of 2012 following November to focus on the leading personalities in the world; for known and unknown people to appear, who have the ability to gather public support with the intention to contribute to society. Lao Tzu states in his great doctrine of Tao, "When the country is confused and in chaos, true rulers come." So, all the political figures who manage to keep their positions are those on whom the world can truly rely to overcome the crisis.
    The first five months of 2013 from January to May inclusive appear to be difficult for business and finance. These months are of those times when a new structure is being prepared without any real effect yet. A noticeable revival in the global economy will begin not earlier than June.
    In January and February, the main political and social issue will relate to the attempts to establish a new order, to reform the social and public structures. Some of the institutions created to date could undergo a profound metamorphosis. Some of the established public structures will be reformed. Naturally, we will see serious resistance, maybe we will hear statements like "This is crazy." I expect a more cumbersome process in the world to start in January, associated with challenges to any established rules and authority figures. Difficult times for the leaders will start, during which it will become clear whether they are the right leaders or not.
   Individually, most affected will be those born in the periods:
8 to 14 May
11 to 21 November
    A very creative time for the world will come from March to the end of July, activity combined with creativity. Regardless of the world events we will see, it will be a creative process. Everyone will be open to accepting new things in his or her life in some way and this will inspire activity and creativity. A very rare planetary picture will form in this period, bringing the meaning of tumultuous times in the world, especially from May onwards. I do not preclude hot military actions or destructions of any nature that may bring the world to the brink between life and death. For the time when Saturn will stay in the sign of Scorpio, this will be the most destructive period having in mind the symbolism of the sign itself: "Regeneration - destruction and subsequent renewal."
    Individually, the most affected will be those born in the periods:
15 to 21May  

Tags: Forecast for 2013GhaliAstroschoolPlanetsIndividual horoscopeAscendentZodiac signs
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