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Victory of Olympiacos against Peristeri

15 April 2010 / 13:04:03  GRReporter
2961 reads

Emanuela Karastoyanova

Basketball match between the teams of Olympiakos and Peristeri, which was played in Athens, ended with a score of 102-80 for the red-whites. With this game tonight the team of Olympiakos defended its position as a participant in the Final Four of Euroleague. Without particular difficulties, the team managed to beat its opponent in a game reminiscent of the warm-up for its participation in Paris... 

Early in the first set the guests entered the court confident and able to gain advantage. Tremendous contribution throughout the match was the player Scoonie Pen. Since the very beginning of the game he helped his team lead with 13-6. The attacks of the guests were answered by the hosts with a counterattack and for a moment they even managed to reach the result of their opponent. Olympiacos, however, further strengthened their attacks and continued to accumulate lead in the result. Credit for the good play of the team should also be given to Teodosich. With the points he scored, he helped his team lead with 10 points (28-18). 

Despite the loss of lead in the first half, the hosts certainly did not give up... They fought for as many points as they could score and they were even answering the attacks of the guests. During the second half, however, the defense of the guests was weaker - a fact, which the red-whites did not fail to use. This was the moment when they won a lead of 19 points. The 3-point score of Vasilopoulos marked the result with the impressive 53-34. 

In the second half the spirit of Peristeri apparently dropped. It was scoring with difficulty and the defense problem became even more obvious. Thus the result difference was even 23 points (46-69). Good attempt to "recover" was one of the quarters when the team won with 9-0. As much as zeal the team had, they failed to catch up with their opponent in the result. But do not forget, however, that tonight the team measured its strength against a team, which will soon be fighting for the highest position in European basketball in Paris...

Quarters: 21-28, 41-60, 64-85, 80-102 
Peristeri (Skourtopoulos): Hamonds, Agadakos, Papanikolopoulos, Mandzaris, Bramos, Gaines, Margaritis, Deliannis, Nelson, Tsiakos, Arnold 
Olympiakos (Yanakis): Papaloukas, Penn, Childres, Beveren, Vsilopoulos, Burusich, Papanikolaou, Kleyza, Mavrokefalidis, Teodosich, Gliniadakis, Shortsiyanitis

Tags: European Basketball league Greece Olympiacos Peristeri
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