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Victory for Panathinaikos against Asterix Kildreht

18 February 2010 / 09:02:34  GRReporter
2642 reads

With victory for the green team completed the match between women's volleyball clubs Panathinaikos and Asterix Kildreht for the Final Four of Challenge Cup. The result 3:2 was not easily won by the hosts and the fact that the Belgian won two sets makes the classification of the green team for Final Fort unclear... The game that Panathinaikos showed last night was definitely not their best. At the beginning of the meeting, the hosts could not find the right rhythm. There was lack of coordination in their passes, they failed to rescue several passes, and they made many mistakes in their defense. So from the beginning the guests managed to gain points, and subsequently to gain a significant head start. The greens lost the first set with 14-25. The lead of their guests, however, acted as a cold shower. During the second set the hosts definitely aimed to bring the score to a tie and to take the lead - a goal which they achieve to achieve even if it was not easy. The set finished with 26-24. The largest contribution to the tie was by players Tomasevic and Tsanakaki. The culmination came during the third set when the green team played a wonderful game and made good block attacks, which led to two the final set score of 25-15 ... After this victory of the hosts the guests retuned stronger during the fourth set and they brought the result to 13:25. The twist by Asterix Kildreht led both teams to play tie break. Fortunately, the hosts were able to concentrate and win over their opponent (the set finished with 15-11) and thus they secured even a small guarantee for the Final Four. Their final ranking will depend on whether they will win the match against Asterix Kildreht, which will be played on February 24 in Belgium.
Sets: 14-25, 26-24, 25-15, 13-25, 15.11

Panathinaikos (Floros): Koutouksidu, Dumitrescu, Molnar, Tomasevic, Tsanakaki, Hadzinikolaou, Milona, Papageorgiou, Karpouza
Asterix Kildreht (Van der Broek): De Leo, Smits, Lacey, Heyrman, Albrecht, Van Haeckel, Varemberg, Eykens, Vitevrogel

Tags: Greece Sport Volleyball Panathinaikos Asterix Kildreht
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