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Up to 2,500 migrants a day arrive during the Christmas holidays on Lesbos

28 December 2015 / 20:12:07  GRReporter
2179 reads

Local authorities on the Greek island of Lesbos said that despite the holidays, the flow of immigrants shows no signs of abating. Between 2000 and 2500 arrive every day, and the queue for registration has swollen to more than 4000. FRONTEX employees are on holiday and registration is exclusively carried out by the Greek authorities.

Another 3500 are awaiting transport to ship them to Athens. Police believe that tomorrow, Tuesday, sometime in the afternoon, they will all be loaded on ferries and head for the capital.


The municipality of another Greek island, Chios, however, reported that the immigrant flow there has eased to 500 people a day.

Greek police said three Moroccan nationals – 22, 27 and 29 years old – were arrested on the island of Lesbos. During a routine identity check they presented false documents for registration on Greek territory.

Tags: immigrants refugees Lesbos Chios Greek police local authorities FRONTEX
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