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30 arrested after a second police drive in Exarhia

09 October 2009 / 08:10:52  GRReporter
2567 reads

30 people were arrested after the second police drive in 12 hours in the central Athenian neighborhood Exarhia, also known are the anarchists’ heaven. It is expected that until the end of the day a third drive will take place and the new Ministry of Public Defense promises that such drives will become daily. During last night’s police drive another 8 people were arrested – two for drug use, one sought after by the law and three illegal immigrants.

According to witnesses of last night’s drive, which started at 01:00AM, 400 policemen were participating. They blocked all streets around Exarhia and made everyone on the street to come to their knees, while they checked their documents and personal belongings. Special Forces searched the neighborhood and even streets around it – house by house, store by store, cars and pedestrians.

An official statement from the police said that the drive is part of regular check-us done in the Athens center aiming to fight criminality. Other police sources claim that the police forces want to show their power, because yesterday hooligans raged around Kolonaki and broke store windows, car windows and turned garbage cans upside down.

Also yesterday there was a fake bomb phone call in PASOK’s headquarters. At 05:30PM an unknown man called the Special Forces team and said that there is a bomb in the old offices of PASOK on Hypocrates Street (the old offices of PASOK are on Harilaou Trikoupi Street and the new ones on Hypocrates), which will explode in 30 minutes. The police was forces to evacuate both the new one and the own offices of PASOK but during the check no bomb was found.

Late last night it became clear that one of the arrested terrorists – 19 year old Panayotis Masouras, has filed a report to the prosecutor against his arrest order. Masouras is charged in participating in the terrorist organization “Conspiracy of the fiery nuclei – Fraction of the nihilists.”

Tags: Terrorist attack terrorist organization crime news
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