Photo: Ethnos
Indonesian police have found the body of the arms systems merchant Vlassis Kambouroglou, aged 61, at a small hotel in downtown Jakarta. It has not yet been established whether he was killed or committed suicide.
His name became popular in connection with the scandal over the bribes which former defence minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos is believed to have received. According to the Greek diplomatic mission in Indonesia, Kamoburogolu arrived at in Indonesia on 27 June. He had been living alone at the cheap hotel from that date up to the moment when he was found dead. A hotel employee found his body at 2 pm on 6 October. Medications for heart disease and diabetes were found in his room.
According to information published in To Vima newspaper, which quotes the Greek Ambassador in Indonesia George Veis, the businessman's body is in the morgue. The embassy contacted his family, which according to Indonesian law must give permission for an autopsy to establish the cause of his death.
The main part of Vlassis Kambouroglou’s suspicious business was associated with the Drumilian company, which became famous due to the scandal involving the name of Akis Tsochatzopoulos and the arms systems.
Drumilian International (Hellas) was founded in 1998 after the signing of the contract for the purchase of TOR-M1 missiles by Yiannis Sbokos, Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Defence at the time and the representative of the Russian company ANTEY, Mikhail Vorobyov. Kambourogolu was a member of the first board of the company, along with Fuad al Zaiad - a Portuguese citizen, a businessman and a resident of Nicosia. Vlassis Kambouroglou had been living for many years in the Athens suburb of Melissia with his wife, who is English, and their two children. According to his associates, he probably lived in Brazil and Switzerland. So far, however, this information has not been confirmed.
Vlassis Kamoburoglou testified in the case before the investigation commission in December 2004. He said then that his company, based in Athens, had not received any amounts under the contracts for the purchase of arms systems.
His death is the third accident in a row after the murders of the two Russian citizens who had tried to reveal the dark links in the supply of the Russian arms systems TOR-M1 to the Greek army.
Meanwhile, the former Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Yiannis Sbokos has been detained by order of the Athenian prosecution. He rejected the accusations of validating funds from illegal activities. It seems that he was the mysterious "Yiannis" from the records of the former minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos, who had undertaken to take the bribe money abroad and then refused to return it.
Akis Tsochatzopoulos’ ex wife Gudrun Moldenauer was released without any charges having been brought against her after her testimonies before the magistrate. His present wife Vicki Stamati is still denying any involvement in the case.