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live Angela Merkel arrived in Athens, the police began arresting

09 October 2012 / 13:10:17  GRReporter
2486 reads

Greek police arrested preventively 30 people in accordance with the security measures relating to Angela Merkel’s visit to Athens. One of those arrested was a young woman investigated in the past for involvement in the terrorist group "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei."

Half of those arrested were students, who were detained in order to check the contents of their backpacks. A man who approached the German Embassy building with a poster in his hands is among those arrested. The poster depicted a portrait of the German Chancellor and the statue of Aphrodite with the obscene gesture known from the cover of the German Focus magazine.
According to the "Network of Social Solidarity" organization, police forces are making a purge in Exarchia neighbourhood, the haunt of proponents of anarchism. According to its data again, about 50 people were detained preventively.
Meanwhile, employees of Erikos Dinan hospital tried to block Mesogeion Avenue along which the car convoy of German delegation is likely to move.
The police managed to disperse the employees who had gathered there using tear gas. The reason for their protest was that they have not received their salaries.

Tags: PoliticsAngela MerkelPreventive arrestsTear gas
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