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Archive - Jun 3, 2009

Costas Simitis against Barroso

03 June 2009 / 17:06:24  
Former Prime Ministers and statesmen are joining together in a common declaration agaisnt the second mandate of the current chairman of the European Commission. Georgios Papandreou was summoned to withdraw his support for Barroso.

CTF forces prevented a pirate attack against a Greek ship

03 June 2009 / 15:06:58  
The incident happened in the Gulf of Aden - the ship United Lady got away by making strange maneuvers and by the help of a CTF helicopter.

Euro-elections in the shadow of the Siemens affair

03 June 2009 / 15:06:55  
The scandals around the German giant Siemens and the bribing in Greece are getting bigger.

"Would you abandon your mother for one million Euros?"

03 June 2009 / 11:06:29  
The Greek Electronic Media Council took off the air a show, which was outraging viewers and experts for months.