Through an original internet campaign photographer and composer Aris Kalogeropоulos is trying a new way to support the longstanding attempts to return the stolen sculptures from the Parthenon in Greece
Environmentalists have observed the phenomenon, which they at first attributed to the increase in the number of bears and the expansion of their habitats.
British agency FTSE will take out the Athens Stock Exchange from the group of developed markets in early September. The reason is the imposition of a tax on profits from stock trading.
Ancient residents of Athens had built the 200 triremes, with which they later defeated the Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis, precisely with the revenue from the mining of metals.
Statistics in the middle of the season show that 191 people have died in the summer waters of the Greek Mediterranean Sea from the beginning of June until today. 85% of victims were Greek residents and 15% were foreign tourists. The majority are elderly people with chronic health problems but the sad statistics also include ordinary active tourists who did not comply with the rules of safety during their sea vacation.