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Archive - 2012

May 18th

SYRIZA: The state must play a crucial role in key sectors

18 May 2012 / 21:05:18  
"Nationalization is not a fetish but there are sectors of services, which undoubtedly should be public," said the representative of the European department of SYRIZA Yiannis Bournous, who spoke to Victoria Mindova about the programme and views of the left.

May 18th

Inside or outside Europe will be the dilemma of the 17 June elections, Greek parties claim

18 May 2012 / 14:05:34  
The political race is getting hotter each passing day and with the help of the variable results of polls too. New Democracy and PASOK drew a bead on SYRIZA but did not respond to Stefanos Manos' call to join forces in a pro-European alliance.

The Olympic flame set off to London

17 May 2012 / 23:05:05  
The modest but beautiful ceremony attracted thousands of spectators, who forgot their difficult life at least for a while and dipped in the atmosphere of the biggest sports festival.

May 17th

live Greece gets the first 18 billion for recapitalization of banks

17 May 2012 / 18:05:57  
Despite the positive signals sent from central Europe, the situation in Greece is getting worse each day. Greece's uncontrolled bankruptcy would cost eurozone countries up to one trillion dollars.

live Deputies for a day have been sworn in

17 May 2012 / 15:05:06  
The parliament will function for only one day and this Friday, it will be dismissed in order for the second election period to start.

live Who is who in the new interim government of Greece

17 May 2012 / 13:05:53  
The small team of lecturers, former ministers and diplomats was sworn in the presidency.

Alexis Tsipras represents the "sick" part of Greece, which has to go away

16 May 2012 / 22:05:47  
The new elections would challenge the parties to form a coalition, said the expert in communications Spyros Rizopoulos in an interview with Anastasia Balezdrova.