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Archive - Jan 2, 2013

The "Lagarde List" scandal is blowing up

02 January 2013 / 22:01:43  
Eleni Papakonstantinou, who is a cousin of the former Finance Minister George Papakosnatinou, left the Board of the Privatisation Agency, after her name appeared at the bottom of another political corruption scandal in Greece.

Television companies and football clubs oppose the maintenance of a police pension fund

02 January 2013 / 19:01:09  

The financial police in Greece are carrying out a preliminary investigation against the auxiliary pension fund of law enforcement officers after a complaint by the union of police officers in the region of Attica. The economic prosecutor Grigoris Peponis will investigate the fund as well as television companies and football clubs.

Porto Carras declines, the layoffs continue

02 January 2013 / 14:01:53  
The chairman of the labour centre in Halkidiki, Angelos Pratsas, announces that four of the seven members of the trade union of Porto Carras’ employees were among those dismissed.