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Archive - Mar 6, 2013

Greece has moved from recession to depression

06 March 2013 / 22:03:44  
GRReporter sought Michalis Vassiliadis, who is Head of Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Unit at the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE), to present his expert opinion on the economic development of the country.

Bags with an explosive material show a resurgence of an armed group

06 March 2013 / 19:03:57  
The police are investigating a car in whose trunk was found the bag in front of the building of the public ERT television.

Golden Dawn’s candidate for deputy threatens immigrants with gas chambers

06 March 2013 / 17:03:06  
The video containing his words was broadcast by the British television Channel 4. The party claims that it was the product of a fraud and it is preparing to sue the author. The police department combatting racist violence has approached the Athens prosecutor's office.

50% decline in the turnover of telecommunications companies

06 March 2013 / 16:03:24  
"The crisis did not kill innovations," George Stefanopoulos, who is the general manager of the Greek Mobile Operators Association, told GRReporter. He says that the companies develop new products and offer them in a wide range of markets and remain profitable because of this.