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Archive - 2013

June 9th

The ten scents of the Greek summer

09 June 2013 / 16:06:23  
From octopus to ice cream and bean salad to figs – these fine flavours remind us of the best season of the year

The National Bank of Greece collected 1 billion euro for its capital increase

09 June 2013 / 16:06:52  
Attica Bank’s recapitalisation is also underway – the bank is trying to raise 400 million euro

The invasion of Russian oligarchs

09 June 2013 / 13:06:52  
Porto Heli is becoming the new favourite place of Russian nouveaux riches, such as Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska

June 8th

Serifos: the iron island reveals its secrets

08 June 2013 / 17:06:12  
The Cycladic island combines beautiful pristine beaches with rich natural resources and hospitable people.

Former Miss Bulgaria was arrested for drug trafficking among the elite in Athens

08 June 2013 / 14:06:59  
Large quantities of heroin, cocaine, cannabis, equipment for processing them as well as a weapon have been found at her house.

Russian interests capture the Greek energy sector

08 June 2013 / 12:06:35  
It is expected that Gazprom will buy the public gas company, a reduction of the price of natural gas is being negotiated.

Recession and unemployment are rising but the average pension remains 907 euro

07 June 2013 / 21:06:41  
In the first quarter of 2013, recession was 5.6% of GDP as reported by the National Statistical Authority in Greece (ELSAT). Unemployment reached 26.7% in March, which is some improvement compared to February 2013.