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Archive - 2013

April 5th

SYRIZA is not the political opposite of Golden Dawn

05 April 2013 / 20:04:06  
The elections in May 2012 show the real division in Greek society, which portends future shifts in the political system as stated by political scientist Vassiliki Georgiadou in an interview for GRReporter.

Panic is the worst adviser during an earthquake

05 April 2013 / 15:04:48  
Under no circumstances should you rush out of the building if you are unable to leave it in less than 10 seconds as recommended by fire-fighting forces in the event of a devastating earthquake.

April 4th

Police and intelligence services disprove the existence of a plan to assassinate Kostas Karamanlis

04 April 2013 / 20:04:04  
Commentators believe that the discussion about the case has been incited for the sole purpose of rehabilitating the former Prime Minister in the public consciousness and that it is connected with his return to active politics.

Investigation reveals who hides behind offshore companies

04 April 2013 / 17:04:49  
It turns out that more than 107 of the offshore companies belong to Greeks and that their headquarters are on the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea.

live Golden Dawn’s deputy calls Venizelos a "fat clown"

04 April 2013 / 16:04:04  
Tension and a scandal marked the beginning of the session of the parliamentary commission to investigate the "Lagarde List" case, in which PASOK’s leader Evangelos Venizelos is testifying. He has been called as a witness in the investigation of the list of 2,063 Greek citizens who hold accounts of millions of euro in the Swiss branch of HSBC.

The conditions for Alpha Bank’s recapitalization are clear

04 April 2013 / 14:04:35  
The situation with the merger of the National Bank of Greece (NGB) and Eurobank remains unclear. Financial analysts do not exclude that the crisis in Cyprus may have scared the Greek government and that it may have changed its position as regards the consolidation of the banking sector.

The direct sale of goods from the producer to the consumer shows Greeks’ return to politics

03 April 2013 / 22:04:34  
According to political scientists, the world is about to enter post-democracy, in which elites dominate in decision-making processes and the involvement of citizens in politics decreases.