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Archive - 2013

September 18th

Why business is leaving Greece

18 September 2013 / 16:09:34  
The main reasons include the indifference of the government and the lack of a clear and stable framework for the functioning of the market.

Far right-wingers murdered a left-wing rap singer

18 September 2013 / 14:09:22  
The attack involved at least 10 people. The police are investigating the option of political motives hiding behind the murder.

September 17th

Strong seismic activity has been observed in the Balkans

17 September 2013 / 20:09:20  
Seismologists say it is normal for the region and warn us to be on the alert but not to panic.

Russia sets conditions for participation in the Greek privatization

17 September 2013 / 18:09:23  
Antonis Samaras has invited Russia's President Vladimir Putin to visit Athens.

Greeks’ incomes are 75% lower than in 2008

17 September 2013 / 15:09:25  
By comparison, the reduction in the income of public sector employees who go on strike and protest most frequently is relatively low, 23.5%, in comparison with the second quarter of 2008 as reported by the Greek statistical service ELSTAT.

Political leader calls for lynching a mayor

17 September 2013 / 13:09:03  
The media and people are negatively commenting on SYRIZA’s message in which the main opposition party condemns the decision of the prosecutor’s office to carry out an investigation against Panos Kamenos.

September 16th

The Greek TV - a new look with old faces

16 September 2013 / 18:09:13  
In recent years, they were preferred by people who did not like to hear dull and heavy reports about the economic situation in Greece, the supervisory Troika and foreign debt. STAR TV had discovered the formula: "something young, something half-naked and something funnier" in order to keep teenagers, their mothers-housewives, as well as part of the male audience in front of the TV.