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The argue about the name of Macedonia – Much Ado about nothing or nothing done about something big

16 February 2010 / 23:02:31  GRReporter
3449 reads

Maria Spassova


Another diplomatic shuttle on the Balkan Peninsula of the international intermediary for the arrangement of the argument regarding the name of Macedonia Mathew Nimits just ended. The result? A lot of talk for now reason. The foreign newsmen in Athens who for many years were analytically covering the meetings of Nimits with the leaders of the Greek diplomacy are already quite bored. The reports of the big news agencies are now only covering as much as if these meetings were never held. There would have been no difference if they really were never held.

Even to the Greek media the meetings of Nimits pass in the daily brief news. It is just not news anymore. He came, he spoke and he left miserably. It is just that boring. However it is actually very interesting. First, it is interesting the case which the world famous diplomat and lawyer Mathew Nimits is facing. And it is exactly: Either to convince Macedonia and the entire international community that there is text in the international legislation according to which an independent country could be forced to change its constitution, not because it contradicts to this same international legislation, but because its neighbors do not like it. Or he has to convince Greece that the name “Macedonia” does not belong to it. Both seem to be equally unreal. Or at least they seem this way at the end of June 2008.

Second, Nimits is trying to fellowship to two hot tempered Macedonians – Gruevski who says it himself he is like this and Karamanlis, who believes he is Greek, however his origins are from the ancient Bulgarian town Ser. And this is where he starts twisting hands. On one side Gruevski says: “No matter what we talk here there will be a referendum following about the name”. As poor Nimits admits, “This makes my mission even harder”. On the other side Kostas Karamanlis promised before the elections: “I will not agree to them being a member of EU or NATO while the word “Macedonia” is present in the name”. This statement makes the mission of Nimits impossible.

Media close to the two governments are announcing that this or that name are currently being discussed at the meetings and create an unreal impression that currently there are discussions about the name of the unfortunate former Yugoslavian republic. Everybody who well knows the subject also knows that currently they are not discussing the specific name of Macedonia. Currently the negotiations are whether the new name should be used only between Greece and Macedonia as Nimits as well as the international law believe is reasonable or should the country be forced to change its constitution as Karamanlis wants. If it would be the first option I would advice Gruevski to agree to Skopian republic or its derivatives. Who cares how Greece will call Macedonia! If they choose the second option again I would advice Gruevski: “Agree to Constitutional Republic of Macedonia”. Karamanlis will never agree to it.

Each decision currently seems difficult. Both sides are not ready to take the responsibility and they are just passing the ball to each other. OK, currently the time runs in favor of Greece, which is convinced that Barak Obama will get into the white house and will put an end to these difficult times. However the Macedonians are stubborn and they can wait when they decide to. And who knows what the future holds? May be a Jeb Bush in the White House? Why not? Young, smart and with experience. Then the passing of the ball will seem pointless. Just like eating the frogs.

In the beginning I made a comparison to a Shakespeare’s comedy. The good thing about “Much Ado About Nothing” as well as all Shakespeare’s works is that at the end of the play all characters find where they belong to. Personally to me this is the mission of Nimits. To put everyone in his place – both Gruevski and Karamanlis. And Milosevic and Bakoyannis. And the Macedonians and the Greeks nationalists. Only then the mission of Nimits on the Balkan peninsula will be over.

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