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Armed Albanians attacked the house and family of PAOK’s coach

28 June 2012 / 20:06:52  GRReporter
5094 reads

A robbery, an assault, a shooting and an arrest took place at the house of George Donis, the chief coach of Thessaloniki soccer team PAOK, on Thursday afternoon. Two attackers of Albanian origin broke into the house of the coach in the metropolitan district of Kifissia shortly after 1:30 pm to commit theft. The armed robbers broke into the house where they found the coach’s child, aged 2, with his mother- and father-in-law. The attackers threatened the family with a gun and locked them in the bathroom. They stole gold, cash and other valuables, but their plans for a safe escape failed.

George Donis’ wife and son, aged 16, were returning home after shopping. The woman realized that something was wrong. She sent her son to inform the guard of former finance minister George Papaconstantinou, who is their neighbour that there were attackers in their house. They, in turn, informed the police that surrounded the house.

Once the criminals had realized that they were surrounded, they went out from the front door of the house with a human shield, Donis’ father-in-law. "Shoot, if you want. You will hurt the grandfather," shouted the Albanians at the police officers. Then, there was a shooting initiated by the attackers and one of them was wounded in the leg. A police officer was also wounded but according to the latest information, his life is out of danger.

Both the Albanians escaped, jumping over to a neighbouring courtyard. They hid under the balcony of a neighbouring house and one of them tried to escape. The fugitive, who injured his leg while trying to jump over the second fence, was arrested first. A little later, the second Albanian was arrested, who had lost a lot of blood while hiding and was found half-dead. According to the information in the Greek media, this was the second time of breaking into George Donis’ house since Christmas.


Tags: Crime newsRobberyHostageKifissiaPAOKGreece
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