The Assumption is considered one of the 12 biggest Christian holidays. The Church has ordered this holiday to be celebrated from the first centuries of its existence. Although the ancient ecclesiastical writers have not submitted details about the event we know that this is the day that St. Mary was taken by Jesus Christ in the heavenly world. About the end of her earthly life she learns from Archangel Gabriel, who with a palm shoot in his hand, proclaims that after three days she will be transferred into the kingdom of heaven.
After the Assumption of Virgin Mary the Apostles buried her body in a cave near the village of Gethsemane. They closed the entrance of the tomb with a stone and prayed for her for three days. When on the third day apostle Thomas came he was disappointed that he arrived too late and didn’t catch St. Mary's alive, in a desire to comfort him, the apostles rolled away the stone and offered him to enter and pay last respect to the grave. The place in the cave, however, proved to be empty. The secret of this mystical event had been revealed to them the same day. When they gathered on the common table and raised in a tradition the bread called part of Christ, to divide it among themselves, Virgin Mary appeared and greeted them with the words: "Rejoice, for I am with you during all the days." Since then, the apostles believed that Virgin Mary was raised on the third day after the Assumption and she was taken with the body to heaven. In memory of her appearance, the church ordered to do vaznoshenie (exaltation of bread) in honor of Virgin Mary. This vaznoshenie is called the "Panagia" ("Virgin") and the Assumption holiday is established by the apostles.
On August 15, women who have the most classic name in the history of mankind have a holiday, Mary. This name unfolds all the nuances of the woman and her nature. Sculpts the female figure. It contains all the elements of the woman. Mother, protector, temptress. As both classical and mysteriou a woman named Mary can be, so classic and mysterious is the origin of the name itself. Isn’t it really mysterious the fact that the origin of this most ancient name still does is not known for sure ... its original form is the old testament Miryam, which is expected to be from Egyptian origin. Another theory comes from Miryam Aramaic word for "bitterness". Whatever the origin of Mary, the name is a symbol of the power of women handed down from generation to generation for centuries. Mary is contained in each woman. From the most tender and motherly caring a prototype of the Virgin Mary to the fatal Mary, passionate and wrong as it was in the beginning Mary Magdalene. The name Maria carries power. Furthermore, it is believed that it brings additional protection from misery, disease and bad people. And to this day there are not a few men who has as a second name Mary in order to have additional "protection".
Let us congratulate all the women named Mary and wish them health, love and power!