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Athens parcel terrorism reached Angela Merkel and Silvio Berlusconi

03 November 2010 / 09:11:20  GRReporter
4486 reads

After 11 parcels of explosive mechanisms addressed to various missions in the Greek capital had been discovered within less than 24 hours in Athens the parcel terrorism wave crossed the borders of the country. The police in the Italian city of Bologna detained a suspicious parcel for the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Tuesday evening at 11:10 pm local time. Sender was written to be the Secretary of New Democracy Andreas Likorezos. The parcel was delivered by a plane of a private courier service that completely unsurprisingly took off from the Athens Eleftherios Venizelos Airport. Before landing in Bologna it delivered mail to Paris, Lyon and Rome.

Earlier in the day suspicious package arrived in the office of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière officially announced that the parcel was sent from Athens two days before the mailing terrorism. Sender of the parcel was written to be the Greek Ministry of Finance. The parcel was delivered by the courier company UPS that has two offices in Athens, one of which is at the international airport. It is still a mystery for the Greek police how the parcel took off from the Athens airport as there is special equipment installed to check all the items. The police are still investigating the route of the parcel from Eleftherios Venizelos Airport to the office of Merkel.

Police still managed to capture two other parcels that were stored in the cargo compartment of the Athens airport. Both packages had explosive devices that were disposed through controlled explosion. One of the parcels was intended for the Office of Europol in Hague, the Netherlands and the other one was for the European Court in Luxembourg. International courier company was used to deliver them.

After the first case of parcel terrorism in Athens the Greek police seized two youths, 22 and 24 years old, who had a letter bomb to the French President Nicolas Sarkozy and a similar parcel intended for the Belgian Embassy. The 22 years old Panagiotis Argiru is wanted by the police for being a part of the terrorist organization Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei. His accomplice Gerasimos Tsakalou is an old acquaintance of the police too. It is assumed that both are part of the so-called ‘company from Psyhico’- a group of anarchists with aggressive and dangerous behaviour that the Greek police have been watching for months.

The two terrorists refused to give any testimony to the police and the investigators and came down on journalists, offending and spitting in them. They are charged for committing terrorist acts, involvement in a terrorist organization and for illegal possession of explosives. Defender of the detainees is the famous human rights activist Ioanna Kurtovik who defended the terrorists from 17 November.

Tags: Parcel terrorismAngela MerkelSilvio BerlusconiConspiracy of Fire NucleiCrime news
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