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Attraction, love and passion start from genes

05 May 2012 / 14:05:38  GRReporter
7335 reads


In love, men and women speak different languages. They fall in love in different ways. They have different ideas of love and other behavioural mechanisms to express it. I am not telling you anything new, because we all know this. Or we know it in theory. And finally, we remain the eternal students, not knowing and not understanding when we enter into the territory of love. I will avoid the philosophical reflections on this topic. Such, there are in abundance.

In today's article I will acquaint you with the way we behave when we are in love according to our individual horoscope and gender. An eternal issue, which always interests everyone. When considering an individual horoscope, one always needs to know the gender of its owner. In the beginning there is the cell, the natural gene. And attraction, love and passion for someone start precisely from there - from the genes.

From nature's point of view, the woman is given the role of taking care of the emotional side of a relationship (love and emotion), of nourishing the feelings of love of the man, giving him aesthetic delight, inner comfort and cosiness. A woman is given the ability to understand the man – she feels and understands him better. Not surprisingly, intuition is essentially a feminine quality. These are features of the Moon and Venus in astrology.

Men exercise the role taking care of the physical side of the relationship, to sustain it, to bring the "Sun" energy into it (including by sex), to ensure the safety and physical well being of the woman, which includes financial and material support. These are features of Sun and Mars. Although these natural roles are not expressed in a very pure form, the fact is that they are very powerfully present in our understanding of love and the expectations that are associated with it.

I will repeat it again, because this is the most important thing in love and relationships - the naturally allotted roles of men and women are powerful and highly correlated with the love between them. This is embedded in our genes. However much we talk about gender equality in public and social context, our genes do not care much about this. Since children we instinctively know our roles as women and men. And when we meet the wonderful young man or the beautiful girl, we listen and obey unconditionally our genes and instincts. His Majesty the "Mind" does not intervene.

From the above mentioned comes a very natural conclusion: a man evaluates a woman by her physical beauty and her ability to give him love, emotions, delight for the senses and comfort. A woman evaluates the man according to his “beauty” resource - his ability to physically care for her - financially, physically and sexually. As much as we try to refute this conclusion, it is true. Just pay attention to what men and women instinctively turn their eyes to, do not listen to what they are saying.

Now I will move on to the astrological symbolism of all mentioned up until now. In astrology, planets have gender - male and female. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are male planets. The Moon and Venus are female. Zodiac signs are also divided into male and female. This division is not accidental at all. It is consistent with the existence of gender when interpreting someone's horoscope, the same planet has a different shade precisely because of the sexual differences between men and women.

Venus in astrology is the planet of love. You meet someone from the opposite sex and something in you twitches. Venus is a female planet. Her astrological half is Mars – the male planet. Meeting someone is under the dominion of Venus, it has the function to connect and attract and the twitch (the butterflies in the stomach) is under the dominion of Mars. The other astrological couple is the Sun and Moon, who enter the game as the heavy artillery and play a decisive role when talking about serious relationships. But currently I will concentrate mainly on Venus and Mars, as everything starts from them.

Venus and Mars unite love and passion with desire and sex. Every one of us has a male and female half. Women identify with their female side and men with their male side. This is why the phrase "my other half" exists, when talking about our partner. Venus symbolizes the desire, pleasure and mostly the "love" evaluation we give to the other. Mars symbolizes the ways we express our love and especially our sexual side.

Women have direct access to love, to Venus. This is their gift of Nature. Men do not have such easy access. For them the road goes through Mars, passes through conquering the woman by what he does for her, especially sexually. This is why a woman can love without sex, while this is extremely difficult for a man. And when a man meets the woman, through whom he can experience love, he seeks to gain access to it (love) through sexual contact.

This, of course, does not automatically mean that when a man gets sexual access to a woman, he will also feel ove. This is a detail, which it would be wise for a woman to consider. Men learn about love and then experience it only through women. Scent of a Woman leads to Scent of a Man. The opposite is not true.

Tags: Astrology Galy planets Venus Mars relationships love zodiac signs
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