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Black demonstration against wildfires

31 August 2009 / 15:08:31  GRReporter
3069 reads


GRReporterBloggers are organizing a demonstration against the devastating fires in Attica at 07:00PM in Syntagma square. It is mandatory for all participants to be wearing black clothes. The announcement for the demonstration was made through e-mails and text messages.

Similar demonstration was organized in August 2007, because of the wildfires in Peloponnese. The parliament square hosted thousands of protesters dressed in black.

According to an ad from the anonymous organizers of the demonstration, burnt trees will be put in front of the parliament today and a request will be filed to all parliament members to announce all burnt forests for the last ten years as areas to be afforested.

The online users will also file another request for the prosecution as criminals of all owners and responsible figures, who will allow construction in the forest regions.


Tags: Crime newsNews Wildfires in GreeceDemonstration Silent Protest
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