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Bomb in Minister Michalis Hrisokoidis' office

18 February 2010 / 11:02:48  GRReporter
3116 reads

Bomb exploded shortly before 09:00PM in the building, where the private office of the Civil Protection Minister Michalis Hrisokoidis is located. The handmade explosive device was placed in a black bag on the stairs between the ground and first floors of a two storey building on a 54 Tivoli street and John Kennedy street in the Athens neighborhood of Peristeri. 

Citizen who noticed the suspicious bag, called the police. According to the information the phone call was received at a time when minister Hrisokoidis was giving a TV interview on the prime time news. Dismantling of the bomb was done by the special department of police dealing with explosive devices. Experts have carried out two controlled explosions, the second of which caused minor material damages inside the building without anyone being injured. The Civil Office Michalis Hrisokoidis was used as a Coordination Center of the Minister during the election campaign in the autumn of 2009, but there are no reports of whether it has been used frequently in recent months. 

Taking into account is the disturbing fact that there was no warning/anonymous call before the explosion, as is the practice of terrorist organizations in Greece so far. The remains of the explosive device were taken for examination in the laboratory of the Forensic Service.

Tags: Terrorist attack in Greece Terrorism Athens Bomb
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