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Bulgarians rape an 18-year-old disabled girl

19 January 2016 / 14:01:32  GRReporter
3876 reads

Unprecedented cruelty was demonstrated by two young Bulgarians who satisfied their sexual desires with an 18-year-old disabled girl, as reported by The two men raped the girl outside the town of Sitia in the area of Lasithiou on Crete and left her helpless on the road afterwards.

The two Bulgarians, aged 27 and 34, had known the 18-year-old girl for a long time as they were working at her family house. They seem to have considered her the perfect victim of their criminal intentions and last Friday forced her to get into their car and took her to a deserted place outside the town. Having satisfied their sexual urges, they put her back in the car and left her on the 2nd km of the road Sitia-Ierapetra.

The girl managed to return to Sitia and immediately went to the police to report the crime. As a result, the authorities began to search for the two Bulgarians and apprehended them shortly afterwards whereas a forensic doctor confirmed the raping through an examination. For this reason, the prosecutor of the court in Lasithiou has raised charges of sexual abuse of an 18-year-old girl and ordered the detention of the two perpetrators until they appear before an investigating magistrate.

Tags: RapingBulgariansCreteDetainedProsecutor's officeCharges
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