25-year man accidentally passing by, was killed during a police action for the apprehending of bank robbers in the Athens neighborhood Vironas. The drama played out around a private house in which living are two Albanians suspected by the police to be authors of a series of bank robberies committed in Athens in recent weeks. The police surrounded the house and waited for the criminals to get out, in order to arrest them.
However, they understood what was happening and came out of the building while throwing 6 hand grenades at the police. The officers responded by firing at them and one bullet wounded a construction worker from a neighboring building. The man was immediately hospitalized, where he died shortly afterwards. Two policemen are also injured and are hospitalized without danger to their lives. Out of the 6 thrown grenades only two have exploded. Because of that the wounds of the officers are not as serious as they could have been, experts say.
One of the Albanians was arrested on the spot and the other initially escaped, but was caught up by the police later on.