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Disintegration of the ruling coalition and early elections portended by GRReporter readers

05 October 2015 / 14:10:47  GRReporter
2165 reads

Along with the announcement of the new Greek government, we sought your opinion on its future political fate. We asked you, ‘How long will the new Greek government survive?’ The poll clearly shows the perception of our readers and although your opinion is divided between the different possible options, the conclusion is clear: GRReporter readers expect the ruling coalition to soon fall apart as well as for there to be new early elections.

The option that collects the highest percentage of the readers' votes on the Bulgarian page of our website is the following: the coalition between the extreme left and extreme right will fall apart within a few months. It expresses the opinion of 34% of readers. The option that this is an anti-reform government and creditors will not stand it for a long time ranks second with 22%, followed by the third most popular answer that is very close to the previous one in terms of percentages, as it is the reference of 20% of respondents. According to this group of readers, the cabinet will survive for a long time because it embodies the reluctance of Greek society to reform. For 14% of our readers, the coalition government, in its present composition and with the principles expressed by it, is a historical relic that events will soon sweep away. Only 8% of respondents support the idea that Alexis Tsipras has no alternative and even if the government falls, he will still be Prime Minister in the next cabinet.

The poll results on the English page of our website show changes in the readers’ votes. 31% again goes to the option that the coalition between the extreme left and extreme right will fall apart within a few months. Unlike the poll on the Bulgarian page, the second most popular response expresses the opinion that this government is a historical relic and events will soon sweep it away. This option collects 29% of the votes whereas it is the preference of only 14% on the Bulgarian page. 21% of English-speaking readers support the view that the government will survive for a long time because it embodies the reluctance of Greek society to reform. Another major difference compared with the results of the poll on the Bulgarian page is that 19% support Alexis Tsipras and believe that he has no alternative in the Greek political life at the moment. Even if the government falls apart, he will always be Greece’s Prime Minister. The option that the anti-reform nature of the new cabinet will lead to its overthrowing on the part of creditors is nobody’s preference. Perhaps the political culture of our English readers suggests that this would be a direct interference in Greece’s political life.
The readers of our Greek page again prefer as most popular the option that within a few months, the coalition between the extreme left and extreme right will fall apart with 35% of their votes. The new government receives the highest percentage of support among our Greek readers. 24% of them believe it will survive for a long time because its policy meets the reluctance of Greek society to reform. The confidence in Alexis Tsipras is also high, as readers believe that he will be Greece’s unchanged Prime Minister, as no politician is an alternative to him. 18% of readers support this view. 12% goes to the last two options in the poll. One expressed the view that creditors will not stand the new government because of its anti-reform nature whereas the other option states that the new government is a historical relic that will soon be swept away by events.

The subject of our latest poll is political again and it asks, ‘Who do you consider most appropriate for chairman of New Democracy?’ Remember to support your answer in the comments section below the poll.


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