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Dora Bakoyannis: "This will be the last govenment comprised of one party"

17 October 2010 / 16:10:27  GRReporter
3011 reads

Dora Bakoyannis stated that she is ready for the establishment of new political party on 21st November in an interview with "Kathimerini", and revealed that she is leaving open the possibility for cooperation with the government. "The government of Papandreou will be the last one comprised of one party" considers Ms. Bakoyannis. In connection with her brother Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who, after her secession from New Democracy, remained in the party, Ms. Bakoyannis said that the two of them followed different political paths, but still she says it in a way to be inferred that she expects his support.

Ms. Bakoyannis has the vision of a party that will be different from the others as an organization and will operate outside the established practices, and in its concept it will be authentically democratic. The main idea of the party of Ms. Bakoyannis is to seek a new governance model that would change the course of development and focus on the private sector. "Many people think that I am creating this party because of bitterness and whimsicalness. They think that what we want to do is to harm the opposition. The only thing I want to make these people do is to monitor closely our development after 21st November. Our intentions are clear and will be tried in the field of ideas, proposals, our behavior in society... One big problem for the political system is the laicism and demagoguery, which continue to dominate," said Ms. Bakoyannis.

The political goal of the new party is to create a perspective of governments, which are elected according to the policies that need to be followed and implemented. "It is necessary for us to have accounts, control and transparency of the government. Following this logic, we create a movement that is oriented towards Europe and will act according to the logic of cooperations and the arrangements," added Ms. Bakoyannis.

Ms. Bakoyannis supported the position of her father Konstantinos Mitsotakis that the majority of politicians continue to govern the country in the manner in which they have done this before the crisis and are trying to hide the reality from the Greeks, which is the reason why the wrong messages are reaching the public. The deficit may fall for 18 months "only if someone says that the government will cut wages of civil servants by 50%, will cut pensions by 50% and all the expenses of the government," says Ms. Bakoyannis.

Her secession from New Democracy, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs describes as resistance against the position of the party in the elections during the memorandum to which she objects. "I withdrew from New Democracy, because I believed and still believe that the great bourgeois party of the country was obliged in the time of crisis to support the package of lending and to oppose the additional measures. I do not believe is serious and that it has something to do with the truth to argue, that the deficit will be neutralized after a year and a half, which I think applies also to Papandreou's statement "we have money", said Ms. Bakoyannis to "Kathimerini".

Tags: party Dora Bakoyannis New Democracy Konstantinos Mitsotakis Politics
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