Picture: To Vima
The increasing number of incidents, involving the name of Golden Dawn, has drawn the attention of the European Commission for Human Rights and Freedom. Now, the Mediterranean country is being supervised by the special commissioner for that field in the European Council Nils Muižnieks, who is soon expected to visit Athens. "We are observing the situation in Greece very carefully and we are gathering information", says Muižnieks, who has currently been on the position since April this year and expresses his concern about the growing aggression in Greece towards immigrants.
According to Muižnieks, the case of Golden Dawn is unique for Europe. Not because the Old Continent lacks other similar political organizations, the members of which have adopted the nazi salute, but because of its openness towards clearly extremist and Nazi convictions. "More than any other party in Europe", explains the commissioner before To Vima.
After more and more citizens backed up Golden Dawn with the speed of lightning (almost half a million Greeks voted for the Neo-Nazi party), a number of parties began discussing the organization's legality. On the topic Muižnieks says: "I think that the creation and the functions of a party aren't unlimited". He emphasized that the Greek Constitution does not foresee a specific possibility for a given party to be forbidden, but article 29 of the first paragraph of the Constitution reads: "Greeks, having the right to vote, can freely create or take part in a political party with activities and organization, bound to observe democracy's free functioning". Muižnieks insists, that the question of whether Golden Dawn ensures the freedom for the functioning of the country's democratic principles, has to be cleared up.
Nikos Michaloliakos's party is being observed under the microscope of the European Council for possible violations of article 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights, indicating that no physical person or organization has the right to participate in activities violating other people's freedoms and rights. Nevertheless, the commissioner also notes, that one thing is to forbid a party, and another thing to identify the reasons, led to its creation. According to Muižnieks, it is very important to emphasize culture and education in order to build tolerance and civic self-consciousness. In addition, the other political parties and formations have to categorically set up against racist manifestations and acts, unacceptable for a democratic country.