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The European family photo from Tsipras to Borisov

26 October 2015 / 18:10:05  GRReporter
2474 reads

Last night the European Union held in Brussels one of its most critical mini-summits. It involved the leaders of the 10 countries that are on the way of refugees and immigrants to Western Europe, Germany and Austria, including Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia, and Serbia, Albania and Macedonia, which are not members of the European Union.

The meeting discussed the continuing refugee influx and took decisions on measures to slow it down and prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the coming winter.

With regard to Greece, it was decided that it should receive 20,000 refugees and help them financially by paying part of their monthly rent for the time that they will remain on its territory. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras presented the adoption of the measure as a success, pointing out that the original proposal was to create in the country a "city" with 50,000 refugees. In statements after the meeting, he said that the proposal was a significant contribution to the development of the Greek economy and the result of the measure would be the integration of refugees in Greek society.

But as a Greek proverb says, "one picture is worth a thousand words." The "family" photo after the meeting surprised Greek society much more than the statements of the Prime Minister. In it Alexis Tsipras is standing quite aside from his colleagues. Absent-minded, with his hands in his pockets, without a tie as usual and with his eyes looking down, he gave rise to a series of comments on social networks.

According to the majority of commentators, the photo is more than indicative of how much Greece is isolated in Europe and only a few are of the opinion that the appearance of Alexis Tsipras may be due to his fatigue.

An interesting fact is that the other end of the photo is showing Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who is however turning to his colleagues, having even a few words with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama is between the two of them.

The Greek media comment that Tsipras has actually accepted the proposal of Germany and published photos of his discussion with German Chancellor Angela Merkel before the meeting.

Tags: PoliticsМini summitEUFamily photoRefugee influx
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