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Every second police officer in Greece voted for Golden Dawn

19 June 2012 / 14:06:05  GRReporter
4946 reads

One out of two police officers in Greece voted for Golden Dawn, according to polls conducted in specialized polling stations after 17 June. Police representatives commented that the pressing problems with illegal immigration and the crime it brings are the reasons for police officers to support the neo-Nazi movement, despite its negative public image. The data has been extracted from the analysis of 11 specialized polling stations, where thousands of uniformed officers in the region of Attica voted. Police administration and representatives of the Ministry of Citizens Protection defined this phenomenon as extremely disturbing.

In Sunday's elections, Golden Dawn received again the highest number of votes in the regions of Lakonia (11%) and Attica (10%) and in Piraeus B (9%). Although the ultra-extreme nationalists got the same percentage as in the May elections, they receive 18 seats in this parliament instead of 22, as it was after the elections before the last ones. The reason is that the two major parties SYRIZA and New Democracy received a higher number of votes, which means more seats in the national assembly.

According to the online edition Iefimerida, parties in the future parliament are considering blocking the nomination of a Golden Dawn member as vice-president of the national assembly. Greek legislation allows each parliamentary party to nominate a vice-president. According to Article 67 of the Constitution of the country, the vice-president must receive 75 votes from the entire national assembly in order for the nomination to be accepted. At a party meeting, Golden Dawn leader Nikos Mihaloliakos suggested that party spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris, known for his easily offensive nature, should take the post. The alternatives to the parliamentary vice-president post from Golden Dawn are Mihaloliakos’ wife - Eleni Zaroulia or Christos Pappas. Whomever Golden Dawn nominates for the key post, the extreme party will need 57 votes from the other six parties that intend to put a veto on his or her nomination.

At the same time, it seems that Golden Dawn’s legitimizing as an official parliamentary force has given a new impetus to attacks on foreigners. On Sunday evening, strangers attacked with a knife a Pakistani in Attiki underground station. The attack took place before eyewitnesses who called an ambulance after the attackers had dispersed. To Vima reported that after the accident, the police arrested 25 suspects who were later released because they found insufficient evidence to bring charges against some of them. Underground stations are equipped with internal security cameras, but the police have not yet found any traces. A week ago, a group of twenty men broke into the house of an Egyptian family in Perama at 4 am. Severe bodily injury was inflicted on one of the victims. The man of Egyptian origin received first aid at Giannio hospital in Piraeus and his treatment continued later at Evangelismos.

Based on the principle that there are two sides to a coin, there is the news of unrest in the area of ​​Ano Liosia, Athens. On Monday evening, a group of 20 Romani people attacked a public bus with stones and other things at hand. The driver alerted the district police, while the attackers were trying to set fire to the vehicle. Besides the attack on the bus, the Romani rioters set fire to a few dustbins and looted two stores. Some of the attackers were armed with guns and six police officers were slightly injured after a short firing. At the same time, anarchists attacked with Molotov bombs the special riot forces near the PASOK headquarters on Ippokratos street. The police responded with tear gas. No serious damage due to the incident was reported.


Tags: PoliticsElections 2012GreeceGolden DawnParliament
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