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Explosion in Piraeus

29 February 2012 / 14:02:41  GRReporter
3365 reads

Early this morning, a loud explosion shook the neighbourhood of Kaimia. The reasons for the accident at the entrance of the company supplying ships, located on the corner of Kitnou and Naxou streets, are not known yet. The explosion has caused significant material damage to the building, which houses the company and the neighbouring houses.
    Experts are at the scene, who are not yet certain whether this was an accident or an explosive device intentionally placed. On Saturday, the Greek police was surprised by a homemade bomb found in a railcar of the Athens underground, which had not exploded by a mere chance.

     It became clear at noon that the explosion was caused by a homemade bomb, consisting of a large amount of explosive material and a slowly flammable fuse. The police have collected numerous remains of the homemade bomb which were submitted to the specialized laboratories for testing.

Tags: PiraeusKaminiaGreek policeHomemade bombAthenian undergroundCrime news
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