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Explosions in front of two hairdressers and a bomb against a deputy of PASOK

23 November 2009 / 16:11:28  GRReporter
2490 reads

New bomb attack against a deputy happened in the Greek capital. The explosion device was placed in front of the office of PASOK deputy and former minister Sifis Valirakis. Unknown individuals placed two small bombs, covered in flammable soaked cloth. The explosion terrified the citizens of the neighborhood. This is the sixth attack against the Hanya deputy, who described the attack as “fascist”.

The hand grenades exploded in front of two hairdressers – one in Agios Dimitrios and the other one in the center of Athens, in Kolonos. Serious material damages are caused and according to the police the reason for the explosions are differences in opinion.

Soccer fans rioted around Thessaloniki, where the local police arrested three people. The reason for the arrests is the attack of a public transportation bus by 20 people. The hooligans broke the windows of the bus and as a result a ten year old boy is injured. Again in Thessaloniki, another two bus passengers were injured, while traveling from IKEA to the airport. In this case it is believed that the bus was attacked again by soccer fans.

More riots took place in the center of Thessaloniki by 30 youngsters. They surprisingly went out of the University building and started throwing Molotov cocktails at the entrance of the Thessaloniki International Exhibition Center. Five traffic lights have been destroyed. The police spread the hooligans with the help of tear gas. A bit later a 29 year old man, who tried to set on fire a newspaper stand, was arrested. According to the police the man is not involved in the attack against the International Exhibition Center. 

Tags: Riots in Greece bomb explosion Thessaloniki
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