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The first immigrant mayor

27 May 2014 / 11:05:16  GRReporter
2652 reads

Doctor Nabil Morad is the first immigrant elected mayor although he has been involved in local government for many years. He showed interest in public affairs and was elected municipal councillor for three terms.

Nabil Morad was able to overcome the first round of local elections, winning 26.36% of the votes compared to the 30.26% of his main rival. In the second round, he made a real breakthrough, winning 52.23% of the votes of 5,941 residents of Andravida - Kilini municipality, Ilia region, Western Greece. Let us recall that Nea Manolada village, which became notorious for the problems between immigrant workers and local employers, is in the Ilia region. In 2013, three guards there shot at a group of protesting immigrants and injured over 30 people as a result.

Relying on his primary "weapon" which is experience, Nabil Morad decided to lead a formation, the main goal of which is to tackle unemployment, development projects, and of course, to support the most vulnerable citizens.

The formation is called "Civil Agreement" and Morad won 75% of votes in the constituency where he lives, namely Lehena, Ilia region. It is no coincidence that Nabil Morad has been elected as he has lived for almost a quarter of a century in the area and, all these years, he has been connected with the local community. He is a doctor and, while practising his profession, he has gradually become known and loved for his care of people.

Nabil Morad left Syria at the early age of 17, graduated in medicine in France, Belgium and Bulgaria. He later married a Greek woman, also a doctor, and they settled in Lehena, Ilia region.

"You give love, you get love"

"It was incredible. I am feeling great excitement and joy. I believe that when you give love, you get love," says Nabil Morad and his phone does not stop ringing. "There are not many opportunities for a mayor in times of crisis. However, he can deal with people’s everyday life, with things that trouble the area. People want simple things and they are right to complain, they want cleanliness, water, lighting, rural roads. As in medicine, it is not enough to have dreams for the future. You need to set yourself tasks."


Tags: Local electionsMayorImmigarntNabil MoradCivil Agreement
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