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German war reparations are а legal rather than a political issue

11 April 2013 / 15:04:11  GRReporter
2901 reads

The Greek Foreign Ministry firmly denies that it is now raising the question of German war reparations as a kind of Athens’ hit back against the ambitious programme to rescue the local economy, inspired, as is believed here, by Chancellor Angela Merkel. "Reforms are one thing, reparations are quite different," said Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos earlier today. As GRReporter has already informed, the Ministry of Finance studied the records for two months to gather evidence of the need for compensations, it has prepared a classified report, which has been submitted for a legal analysis.
    "A legal expertise is underway to establish whether Greece has the legal basis to claim payment of reparations by Germany," said spokesman of Foreign Ministry Grigoris Delavekouras during a briefing. According to him, this topic has been drawing the attention of Greek society for a long time now and the government is obliged to pay attention to it. "We have the political will to bring this issue to an end," promised Delavekouras.
    The spokesman of the Greek diplomacy defined the new proposal of Matthew Nimetz as regards the name of Macedonia as "a step towards solving the problem". According to Kathimerini newspaper, the international mediator has proposed the name of "Upper Republic of Macedonia". "A geographical definition must come before the geographical name, which it defines in order not to allow different interpretations," was the comment of George Delavekouras.
    According to Kathimerini again, Greece insists that the name should be "Republic of Upper Macedonia". The original proposal of Nimitz is in English, said the diplomat. "The spectre of nationalism is starting roaming again in Southeast Europe and this is not good because it has caused a lot of damage in the Balkans," warned Delavekouras in conclusion.

Tags: German war reparationsGreek Foreign MinistryDispute on the name of the Republic of MacedoniaGrigoris Delavekouras
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