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Greeks infected with a virus 250,000 computers worldwide

04 July 2014 / 11:07:33  GRReporter
2189 reads

Two young Greeks, aged 27 and 31, both information technology graduates from Greek universities were apprehended as the creators of a virus codenamed “Lecpetex”, which they distributed primarily through Facebook and which seems to have infected 250,000 computers worldwide. They had sent to Facebook users private messages with a malware in an attachment. The two perpetrators obtained access to the computers of those Facebook users who made the mistake of opening the infected files.

According to the Greek police, Facebook management has changed the privacy policy to deal with the threat. In addition to Facebook, the two defendants distributed “Lecpetex” via peer-to-peer programs through which Internet users exchange free music files, films and more. The two detainees thus stole virtual currency (bitcoins) from the computers of third parties or created their own bitcoins using the power of the thousands of computers that they controlled. Then subsequently, they turned the virtual money in euro through special electronic exchangers that are available on the Internet. According to sources, they both misappropriated 23,000 euro from their criminal activity.

The two young hackers were discovered after several months of investigation carried out by the electronic crime unit of the Greek police. They are accused of fraud and breach of computer privacy and yesterday they were taken to the investigator.

Tags: hackersmalwareFacebookbitcoinselectronic crime unit
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