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GRReporter’s most read articles in 2013

27 December 2013 / 14:12:19  GRReporter
3249 reads

The year 2013 is about to end and it is time to look back and see what were the most read articles and the most interesting topics that attracted the highest number of the readers of

The articles in the Bulgarian version of the website were the following:

1. И комар не може да прехвръкне през преградата на гръцко-турската граница - 15,335 readers read the article 16,029 times.
2. Юли внася най-големите промени в живота ни - 6,594 readers read the article 7,809 times
3. Лешниците: една селскостопанска култура, която обещава сигурни печалби - 5,301 readers read the article 6,074 times  

In the English version, the top articles were:

1. Transgender persons in Thessaloniki become victims of police violence - 15,043 readers read the article 15,970 times.
2. Jennifer Aniston partners with Zach Galifianakis in the war epic film about Crete - 12,935 readers read the article 14,009 times.
3. Teo Theodoridis sentenced to 18 years in prison - 11,312 readers read the article 12,442 times.

The readers of the Greek version of the website preferred the following articles:

1. Άστεγοι βγάζουν έναν μισθό νοσοκόμας τον μήνα μαζεύοντας διάφορα υλικά ανακύκλωσης - 1,373 readers read the article 1,407 times.
2. Η Γκαλένα Βελίκοβα: Tο μυστικό της επιτυχίας κρύβεται στην πειθαρχία! - 896 readers read the article 943 times.
3. Η πρεσβεία της Δημοκρατίας της Βουλγαρίας στην Αθήνα ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΝΕΙ - 667 readers read the article 745 times.

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We wish all our readers a very successful 2014!

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